
Our Rates & Fees

탄생의 소중함과 기쁨을 그레이스 마미앤베이비케어와 함께하세요.


Distribution (구분) Commute (출퇴근) Move-In (입주)
TOTAL (총액) DEPOSIT (예악금) TOTAL (총액) DEPOSIT (예악금)
1st Week (MON-FRI)
Regular week → $1,450 (MON-FRI) 2weeks min.
(Special 1 Week $1,550 MON-FRI )
2nd Week(MON-FRI)
$2.900 $870
3rd Week(MON-FRI)
$4,350 $1,305
4th Week(MON-FRI)
$5,800 $1,740
Commute+Move in (출퇴근+입주)
A combination of commuting and move-in is possible.
(Ex: 2 weeks Move-In + 1 Week Commute = $2,900 + $1,200 = $4,100) 출퇴근과 입주 를원하는 형태로 혼합가능함
(ex) 입주(Move in) 2Weeks + 출퇴근(Commute) 1Week = $2,900+ $1.200= $4.100
  • All services are adjustable upon consultation. Minimum is 2 weeks for Move-In Services.
  • All schedules shown above are based on Mon-Fri for both Move-In AND Commute (5days = 1 week).
  • There may be a location charge depending on where you are located. (Ex: Manhattan→East Side, West Side, Downtown, etc). Queens is EXCLUDED.
  • Other states and other boroughs have feeds such as, Transportation fee, Gas+Toll fee, and Parking Lot fee. (These are all added separately and there may be a location charge).
  • There is an additional cost if you require us to work Saturday OR Sunday.
  • If you need us to buy groceries for you that is an additional $100 charge.
  • On the last day (of every week), when our services end, doulas leave work ONE hour early.
  • Please refer our doulas as teachers.
  • IF there are any other family members other than the mother, husband and baby there will be an extra charge depending on the number of the family. (Please see table above). When filling out the reservation form, please make sure to put the EXACT number of house members.
  • If we provide services during a major holiday week, we are considered to have the day off. (IF you desire to have the services done on the major holiday there will be a 0.5% fee charge).
  • 상담하에 모든서비스 는 조정 가능합니다.
  • ** 입주 는 최소 2 Weeks **
  • 위 의 모든 스케쥴 은 MON- FRI(5 DAYS 1 WEEK) 기준입니다. (입주, 출퇴근 동일)
  • 퀸즈 지역 을 제외한 맨하탄 (EAST & WEST SIDE OR DOWN TOWN )지역 에 따라 LOCATION CHARG 있을수 있습니다.
  • 브롱스, 브룩클린 ,롱아일랜드 ,타주 는 교통비 ,Gas+ TOLL +PARKING LOT 따로 추가 됩니다. Location charge 가 있을수 있습니다 .
  • 토요일,일요일 원하실 경우 추가비용 있습니다.
  • 장보기 를 원하실 경우 $100 추가비용 있습니다
  • 산모 의 서비스 끝나는 날 은 1 시간씩 일찍 퇴근합니다 . (FRI 4;00PM, WEEKEND SAT N SUN 3;00PM)
  • 관리사님 은 선생님 으로 호칭 합니다 *
  • 산모 와 남편 아기 외 다른 가족 이 있는경우 가족수 에 따라 Extra charge 가 있습니다 (요금표 참조).** 반드시 정확한 가족수 를 부탁 드립니다 .**
  • 서비스 기간 중 major holiday 가 연결 되어있을 경우 off 을 기준 으로 합니다 .(서비스 를 원할시 일일 금액 의 0.5 % 가 더해집니다.)

Extra Charges (추가 서비스 요금)

Distribution (구분)


(출퇴근형 서비스)

Move-In (입주형 서비스)

Preschool child

(미취학 아동)

+$25 +$30

In-School Child

(취학 아동)

+$25 +$30

+1 person other than family

(기본가족 외 1인)










근무시간(Working hours)

Distribution (구분) Commute (출퇴근형) Move-In (입주형)
General 5 Days (Mon~Fri) General 6 Days (Mon~Sat)
Weekday (평일)

9AM – 5PM

9AM – 4PM (Fri Only)

Work 5 days a week and on Friday to leave by 4PM and return to work by 9AM the next Monday.

(주 5 일제 입주일 경우 금요일 4 시 퇴근 월요일 9시 복귀.)

Saturday (토요일) 9AM – 3PM

To leave on Saturday by 3PM and return to work by 9PM the next Monday.

(토요일 오후 3시 퇴근 ~ 월요일 오전 9시 복귀 원칙.)

Lunch Hours


1 Hour per day (Lunch+Break)

2 Hours per day


Holiday (휴일)

We do not work on holidays but if you would prefer services during the holidays, there is an extra service charge.

휴일은 근무하지않는게 원칙입니다.만약 휴일서비스를 원하시는 경우


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